Well, finally got to see the film in Germany! It's 1:30 AM here and I'm tired, but wanted to get my thoughts on this while it is fresh... I've read some of your comments, and will read them all in more detail later, as I'd like to compare notes...

OK... I feel mixed about it, I really do... I thought I would like Amy Adams and hate Henry Cavill... but --and I know many of you disagree--- but Adams' Lois wasn't strong enough for me. The lines and plot were right in character (and I love her finding out at the start too!), but I needed a stronger delivery on a lot of them. I even bought her being a red-head Lois Lane... but she is just too sweet as Lois.

And Henry Cavill totally floored me! I was unconvinced in the trailers and the posters, but seeing the film, I totally fell in love with his humanity as Clark.

About the killing Zod bit -- here's how I saw it: He saw that Zod would be ruthless no matter what. That was the whole reason for Zod using heat vision, honing in on that family. Clark/Kal/El's human side both won and lost in the same moment. He saw the value of saving the family, and his anger at Zod for wanting to destroy pushed him over the edge. I think his primal scream at the end of that mess was a mix realization of the fact that he had killed someone, and that he was truly, the last of his kind... and it was great that Lois stepped in right there at that moment, to reassert his humanity and his ties to Earth.

Though the special effects were impressive, I thought they were overused to cover up a lack of a deeper story. The plot was pretty predictable most of the way through, though there was some good dialogue.

I liked the nods to LexCorp and I am fairly certain their Smallville is the same as 'Smallville's Smallville... I noticed a Vancouver team in the credits, so that is likely the case...

I now like the new suit, sans red pants. laugh The detail on the cape was quite nice as well...

Overall... I don't know. I think I need to see it a few more times to make my final judgement. It was definitely better than 'Superman Returns'. The effects are of course way and beyond anything we've seen, but there was so much more story in both LnC and Smallville. I know these are TV shows vs a movie, but still... I really wanted them to go in more creative directions than just with the special effects...

One last thought -- best acting of Kevin Costner's CAREER! I think he is usually a very flat, boring actor. But this role really worked for him. That was a surprise to me.

Edit: Just found this review. Has great perspective on the MoS killing Zod issue and JK death:
MoS Review

'If Clark had rejected his father's advice and always risked himself to save others, the story could play out the same way but with a different moral core. Then, when Zod comes and tells the world, "Give me Superman," the world would stand up and say, "No." Because the world needs such a "Superman." The world needs hope and inspiration.

The filmmakers chose to go a different way.'

Really powerful review that doesn't agree with the filmmaker's choices. Written by Andrew Wheeler, who I think is an important voice in comics, no?

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink