Following up on heroic - I liked Clark and the oil rig. People are in danger, and he has to help. I love it. And the workers there might have been a bit discombobulated when the door was ripped off, but they followed him because he upped their chances of getting out alive and getting out alive is exactly what they wanted. Also like how the pilots were like "get that last guy" - nice to see other people caring about saving lives, too. Then he was holding up the thing so they could get out and they saw that and they left. But that wasn't leaving him to die, since he was already doing the impossible.
I'd love to see a fanfic from the POV of one of the guys on the oil rig, a few weeks later. They'd just have to realize that hey, this guy that saved them had to be Superman in his civilian identity.

I wonder how they would feel about that after they saw the remnants of the super-battle. On the one hand: saved my life. On the other hand: destroyed Metropolis.

Tzigone had a great comment about this:
I'd love to see fanfic about how the world perceives Superman right now. I expect Lois will push the heroism as far as Perry will let her. But Zod came to this planet only because of alien, so some people might blame him for just being here. They don't know he's a hero yet. He doesn't have the past actions or the publicity. And some will undoubtedly think of it as just a battle between aliens, not accepting/realizing that the reason for Superman's battle was to save earth and that he lost a chance to bring his people back over it. At least until Lois gets writing (somehow I don't think her three weeks leave without pay is going to stick). I expect the military/government will publicly say "he's on our side" no matter what they actually believe because they don't want to panic people. How much will they want Lois to keep secret - and how bad will they fail at that?
I feel the same way.