Okay. So I just got back from seeing MoS a second time with my mom this time (and a few other friends) and surprisingly enough, she had quite a different reaction than I expected. Normally, she comes out of any movie and says she loved it, usually excepting one or two things.

She's torn on it. She hated the backstory in the beginning (bear in mind that she still enjoys the 70's movies despite the fact that they're cheesy and really liked SR) because it took too long (which I can understand-- I like getting the backstory a lot but for the pacing of the movie I get why it could be edited better). She didn't start liking it until they sent the message across the tvs saying "you are not alone."

She liked the actors better than she thought she would-- said Henry Cavill looked a lot like Christopher Reeve especially at the one point near the end when he's destroying the world engine. Which I did notice this time around more, and I'd agree. he's like a 10x better looking version, but at some points it's almost like he could be related. thumbsup

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain