On the issue of Clark using his own name in his LnC travels, I am not sure it is every entirely clear. We actually get very little about his previous travels, other than that he was most recently in Australia working for a publication based in Indonesia.

We also in "Never of Sunday" learn that Clark was at one point in Jamaica. I was going to suggest he might not have given Perry that story because it did not have his name on it, but then I realized that Baron Sunday only was able to hunt him down because he did use his name.

We also know he edited the Smallville Post at one point. Still, if he was 27 when highered by Perry that means he probably traveled for 5 years.

On the other hand, with him 33 in MoS, he has been probably traveling for at least 11 years, even if we assume he has a college degree, which we have no evidence for. Even if he does have a degree in journalism, which we have no evidence for, it would be over a decade old. I guess if he has free lanced a story here or there, it might just be enough for Perry to higher him on a trial basis. Still, I think it would seem more likely if the story was set 50 years ago.

John Pack Lambert