I saw the movie this last night and had to share my observations.

I really, REALLY, enjoyed the movie!

If this isn't a well-received Superman movie, then there never will be one. From top to bottom I think this is about as good as you can do with a Superman movie where you had to cover all the origin issues as well as having another story beyond that. Given the way a movie has to be made to be a success in this era, I honestly believe that this was very close to as good as you are going to get. There is always room for improvement, but they did a heck of a good job.

Generally I agree with many of the comments that are already here. I thought the weakest role was Jonathan Kent. Costner wasn't bad, bit he had the weakest character in a movie where most of the other actors and roles were top-notch. I was particularly impressed with Russell Crowe as Jor-El and Antje Traue as Faora-Ul. If Faora-Ul would have had more screen time, then Antje Traue might have stolen the movie.

As for Clark killing Zod, I was a little surprised, but what else do you do? Zod has made it clear that he was going to kill everyone in his reach and that he would continue to kill until every human was dead. Given the circumstances, what was Clark supposed to do? I think in that context (no Kryptonite and no Phantom Zone projector) this was the only honest answer for what to do with Zod.

I love that Lois is in on his identity right from the start. I just hope that they make enough money to green-light the sequel where we can see the real Lois/Clark relationship get going.
