Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Zod's comment about it taking them "33 years" to find Earth. Um... Would that be Kryptonian years or Earth years, and how to calculate "years" in space? The comment made by the female army captain(?) about Superman being 'hot'. :rolleyes:

I kept looking for Jimmy for half the film, then I remembered I heard they switched Jimmy to Jenny, but then they kept showing all these women at the Planet who could be her, so what was the point? She wasn't distinctive enough to pick her up out of a line-up. Jimmy's role is CK's pal and they didn't say two words the whole movie, so I hope a real Jimmy appears later on.

There was a 'Ralph' type character, too, who's name I believe was "Steve?" He was more recognizable as an actual character as opposed to an extra than the "Jenny" character.
That Zod kept using Earth time bothered me, too. Why would he know what 24 hours was? He should have said "one Earth day" or something like that.

As for the army captain or whatever her rank was, I could totally see her comment coming, and it made me cringe. I was expecting her to say it differently, though, more like, "He's very handsome," or "He's totally good-looking." Using the word "hot" made her sound like a teenager.

I had heard that Jimmy was a girl, but I completely forgot about it and assumed that he wasn't in the movie. When I mentioned it to my husband afterwards, he pointed out that that intern was Jenny Olsen. I hope that her cousin/brother Jimmy Olsen shows up later. It's nice that they want more female characters, but making Jimmy a girl completely changes the character's relationship with Superman. You can't have "Superman's Pal Jenny Olsen." If he's paling around with a woman, she would be assumed to be his girlfriend.

I recognized Jenny whenever she appeared, but I didn't really catch her name, and I certainly didn't recognize her as a replacement for Jimmy. I don't think we got enough scenes in the DP to establish what her relationship is with Lois, or anyone else, though.

I was hoping that they would have a regular Jimmy who happens to be cross-dressing for an undercover assignment, though. He did that a lot back in the day. A good example is in All-Star Superman (the comic or the movie).

Steve Lombard is a sports writer for the DP. He's been in the comics since 1973. I've always seen Steve as the prototype for Ralph. I've wondered, actually, why they didn't just use Steve in LnC instead of making up another character. I guess they're not quite the same, though. Ralph has this creepy vibe, but Steve is a jerk jock.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)