Originally posted by Tzigone:
I would guess that he didn't consider it, and the military has it somewhere-- which is scary as anything.
I just don't know. I could completely see Clark not thinking about it, but what about Lois - she's there, too. But maybe she wouldn't think of it, either. She's had a busy day, and she's not used to thinking in those terms yet, of aliens existing, etc. It's relatively new. In any event, if they wanted to use it, it could totally be used in a sequel.

And if Clark did get rid of the body, there'd be some other frightening implications there-- the guilt for one thing.
I don't know if there'd be guilt for disposing of the body, depending on how he did it. Burial is common here (in ice?), but cremation is not unusual, and he could maybe be okay with that. He could try saying a few words, but that'd probably make him feel dishonest/hypocritical, since he killed the guy. But knowing Clark, you're probably right and he'd feel like he was treating the body like trash to be disposed of.

Side note: timeline question? My thought was that Lois came immediately back to Metropolis (after being saved by "Joe"), wrote the story, then tracked down Clark in a matter of days, at most. Others seem to think it took her months to track it down. And she didn't really seem to be injured later in the movie. Thoughts?
I think that the voice over was meant to suggest Lois was really struggling at this tracing the lead. I think it would make a lot more sense if it took at least a month.

I would say the movie was a little fast and loose with chronology. I think the makes of the film actually deliberately decided to avoid giving a time frame to how long it took Lois to meet up with Clark in the cemetery, because they wanted to present Lois as competent without her coming off as too super at investigating, so it was easier to have each viewer work out their own timeline.

Plus, movies are really bad at showing time elapse, so they just didn't. I think 5 weeks is probably a reasonable amount of time. I really wish they had put a little more attention into showing that, maybe a few more Perry/Lois discussions about her pursuing this story and him thinking it was totally off the wall.

I really wish we had seen more of Perry. I also wish we had seen more of journalist Clark. I am hoping they do a sequel where we see significant amounts of both.

Perry rescuing Jenny was a good scene, but even that was under developed.

John Pack Lambert