How do you like it, LabRat? I got a Nook for Christmas and I'm still getting used to it. I like being able to adjust the type set/size and the ease of carrying it around, but I tend to borrow more books than buy them. Many titles aren't available electronically to borrow and I'm still getting used to the lending system.

Downloading fanfic might be fun but I haven't played around with it yet.


Originally posted by LabRat:
Well, I've finally gone and done it. After much gnashing of teeth and digging in of Luddite heels, I've joined the Kindle generation. It just made too much practical sense not to any more.

I'm still not over my conviction that lines of text on a screen aren't 'proper, real books', but I suspect time will erode that for me. Certainly, I can already think of lots of advantages to reading on Kindle and I'm sure I'll come up with more once I get going.