1. What does your board name mean?

When I was younger I had training in classical piano. I still love the piano and classical music. I also consider myself a classy and classical kind of lady. Also, I used to be very paranoid about posting my real name on the web, but I’ve since found out that if anyone truly wants to know who you are they can find out.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

I live in northeastern Kentucky. And as Catherine said, “I live with my mommy.” I moved back in with my mom after my dad died because she was lonely and begged and had never ever been alone. She got married when she was barely 17 and mom and dad were married for 50 years. And since I wasn’t in a relationship I figured I might as well. I love her dearly, but it’s really “fun” sometimes, and I do mean that ironically. I love it here because I have lots of family here. But if I had my “druthers”, I’d be some place in the Rockies, traveling all the time, or at least somewhere where I could get a pizza delivered. smile Interesting tidbit: Although I live in Kentucky, I work in West Virginia and drive through Ohio to get there, and it only takes me an hour.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

I was ready and raring for the first episode and that’s when I started watching. I’d heard about the series long before it was advertised on TV because I was big into Superman comics then. I’ve been a Superman fan since I was four. I was a little peeved because they had chosen a brown eyed actor to play Superman, but Dean won me over in the first ep.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

Umm.... I guess I’d have to say 1, 2 or 4, 4 or 2, and 3. And I’m still mad because I can’t choose a 5, 6, 7, or 8...

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

Survivor... and Smallville, which can cause quite a conundrum as they come on at the same time and I work 3-11 shift that day. One of my VCR’s is exceedingly complicated (And I’m pretty good with this kind of stuff.) to work so therefore I usually pick one show. If Lois is on Smallville I record that one. If not, then I record Survivor. But Smallville kind of went down hill for me with that whole “Lana absorbing the kryptonite so she can’t ever be with Clark again” thing. Clark is supposed to be with Lois, and that whole thing just puts Lois in second place. Eek.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

I make a mean lasagna, a great guacamole dip, and tantalizing tostones. I learned to make the tostones in Puerto Rico.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Uhh... Sports? Uhh.... Is flying like Superman a sport?

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

Hopefully, my keys.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Hmm... That’s hard to answer. I lurked for many, many years and after having read other folks’ answers, I realized that I lurked even longer than I thought I had. Ann (TOC) was the first person I talked to on this board. I was registered on the “old” board but never posted anything or talked to anyone. Otherwise, through email, it was either Nan Smith or Becky Bain - or maybe Anne Ciotola or Pam Jernigan. I’ve actually spoken to Lara Joelle Kent and bakasi, and I’ve met one FoLC but I didn’t know it until the last year or so when he posted his picture on the board. We worked together but never spoke as FoLC’s.

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Superman (a female version); Batgirl; a doctor or a nurse; an army officer; a mom and housewife; an artist; a writer; a professional singer / star; a ballerina; a classical / professional pianist with clarinet, flute, guitar and singing on the side; and... and... I had “big” plans.

11. What is something you collect?

“We” collect “many” things. laugh (Sorry, I sometimes can resist the psych jokes.) I don’t think I collect much of anything now except maybe fancy notebooks and pens. In the past, I’ve collected comics, Superman stuff, Star Trek stuff, and baskets (especially Longaberger).

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

Yes. The biggest entertainment was reading what everyone else said!


(Posted by Editor Jax.)
1. What does your board name mean? I'm an editor (and here everyone thought I was just evil for a living) and jax is a play on my maiden name.
Really? What do you edit?


(Posted by Shadow)
11. What is something you collect?
Watches. I'm ridiculously frugal to the point of crazy...until you let me loose in a Swatch or a Fossil shop.
Hahaha!! I have about 40. I guess I collect those, too.


(Posted by Bethy.)
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in an apartment with no doors and the walls don't go to the ceiling. One thing I love about it: The mirror wall. Sounds tacky, but really isn't. Other thing I love: My roommate...who is ditching me to go live with her parents in the suburbs to save money.
How do you keep people from breaking in? Sounds like an interesting arrangement.


(Posted by Kltpzyxm)
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?
Hmm…I remember going into #lanekent and meeting lots of people at once. Our wonderful EditorJax was there that night…who knew she’d become one of my bestest friends!?
And that quilt you made her was AWESOME!


(Posted by Beth S.)
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? That would be Nancy, my first BR.
Which Nancy? Anonpip?


(Posted by Sue S)
8. What is something you never leave the house without? A bra


(Posted by Labby)
tasty chicken noodle soup recipe
Please share the recipe.


(Posted by Labby)
I even refused to join the typing lessons at school
I wanted to do the same, but my mom encouraged me to take typing even if I didn’t take another business / secretarial class. Bless her heart. That was one of the most important classes I ever took. At work, almost everything is computerized, and when I watch other nurses struggling to type, I’m very glad I took that 8th grade class.


(Posted by Vicki)
2. I live in Puerto Rico.
I used to live in Naranjito and then Arroyo. I loved Arroyo because I could always hear the waves of the Caribbean.


(Posted by Vicki)
The next day we went with our husbands on a day trip up the mountains to the little town where the movie had been filmed.
Which town?


(Posted by LaraMoon)
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? There are two -- LabRat, when I sent in my 1st story to the archive, which I hadn't posted on the boards because I didn't even know that existed.
Really? Now I’m looking to see which story you posted. I thought I’d read your first story. Now, I’m not sure. Ah-ha. I found it. Shattered. Will read it later.


(Posted by Mrs.Mosley)
I’ve seen that name. Does he write for another fandom?


(Posted by Mrs.Mosley)
the topic was 'Happy Birthday, MrsMosley!'
This sounds familiar. I think I may have been there...


(Posted by Bobbart)
It's a concatenation of my real name.
Wow, what a word! It’s new to me! laugh


(Posted by Wolfsong)
1. What does your board name mean? Wolves are my favorite animal and their howl is their song, thus Wolfsong
That’s awesome!


(Posted by Artemis.)
3. When did you start watching L&C?
The first two hour show that was remanufactured into the Pilot in 1993. I had just come back from a one year tour at the Pentagon and thought "Oh no, they're going to screw it up", but to my amazement I really loved Deborah Joy Levine's take on the Lois and Clark relationship
Are you saying that the Pilot wasn’t the first time the show aired? The first time I watched, though, it was two hours.


(Posted by Rona V)
I’ve never really had a conversation with any FoLC unless you’ve been lucky enough to have me as your GE. Too bashful, I think. You think you get nervous posting fic? I get nervous posting fdk. And this poll.
Aw, that’s just too cute. Too nervous to post feedback and yet you are a GE.


(Posted by Nan)
This is why the idiot writers in Hollywood made Smallville the size of Indianapolis.
This aggravates me, too. They show signs on the show showing the population, but the feel of the show isn’t that big except for there are an awful lot of people that went to Smallville High.


(Posted by Nan)
but my specialty is B'stilla,
Please share. I love good recipes.


(Posted by Vive60)
the caving.
Spelunking! I used to do that!


(Posted by Vive60)
3. When did you start watching L&C? 6 years ago now...yikes! Now I feel old.
Then I must be ancient. wink


(Posted by Vive60)
8. What is something you never leave the house without? Keys. No, really...I've seen girls out in the hallway in nothing but a towel, waiting for our male security guy to unlock their room- awkward. Not to mention the ones who have to knock on random doors to find a phone to call said security...Shudder.


(Posted by Vive60.)
Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? My mom..
Who is your mom?


(posted by dawebb)
When I first started on the internet in the mid 80s,
Wow, I remember that, too, but it was so SLOW then that I didn’t give it another try for several years.


(Posted by dawebb)
Yeah, alot of the older homes do have a toilet in the basement, as well as a shower.
Well, we never had a toilet in the basement (but I have seen them) but when I was growing up, we had a shower in the basement. It made sense because my dad got filthy on the job. And the shower was “open” to the entire rest of the basement.


(Posted by Jenni Debb)
and enjoy visiting castles and even more ancient sites.
I’d love to do that. I was in Scotland only very briefly but what I saw was beautiful.


This was fun.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~