1. What does your board name mean?

I could probably cut and paste this somewhere from an earlier thread as I've told it before. laugh But to cut a long story short, I posted a TV question to a teletext page which was (very unusually back then) frequented by people who used nicknames. I thought for a bit and finally came up with Doc. Klein's LabRat. It was just after S4 ended and I was feeling nostalgic already. When I got onto the net for the first time and found FoLCdom, a few months afterwards, it seemed natural to keep using the nick. Gradually, it got shortened to LabRat (or Lab or Labby or Rat or a dozen other variations).

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

Cumbernauld in Scotland. It was one of a number of experimental 'new towns' in the early '60's, built to bring families out of the tenements of Glasgow and provide healthy living. I've lived here since I was six months old and what I like about it is that it's quiet and peaceful and surrounded by countryside.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

Can't remember the year, but it was about a year and a half, maybe, before S4 premiered in the UK. I had – embarrassingly enough – no interest in LNC when it was airing prior to that. In fact, I spent a great deal of time teasing a good friend for her obsession with a kids' show. :rolleyes: Something she has never failed to remind me of since. And I'd never had an interest in Superman comics as a kid, so it largely passed me by.

Then, one day, on holiday, I caught a few snatches of one of the Clone arc episodes - only enough to gather that Clark Kent was having to deal with an evil double of his wife - and my radar pricked up immediately. For as long as I can recall I've had a fascination with plots involving evil doubles and memory loss. I've been known to watch shows I normally hate if that's the plot of the week. And here was a show giving me both at once!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch any more at that point and I mostly forgot about it. Until a few months later when I caught an ad for re-runs on one of our cable channels. Even then I managed to miss most of the first episodes of S1. I think the first episode I caught in full was Phoenix. It wasn't love at first sight, but I was keen enough to come back each week and gradually I realized this was a show I really loved…and the rest is history.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

1,2,3,4. I enjoyed them all, but I liked the early seasons best.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

Hmmmm. Not sure these days there are shows I can't miss. I've learned in my time that I may believe that I can't miss them but if I'm forced to it turns out I can. laugh I've also learned not to get too broken up when my favourite shows end because something else will always come along to catch my interest.

Let's see. At the moment, I'm taping S2 of Ashes to Ashes, S3 of Dexter, S4 of Supernatural.

Oh, hang on, thought of one! The Daily Show. Stuart and I never miss TDS and I'm always bereft when it's not on because of a break.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

Well, mostly my cooking skills consist of 'place in microwave, wait for ding'. But I've been having to get to grips with some minor cooking to help me with my diabetic diet and I'm keen on a particularly simple and tasty chicken noodle soup recipe that I found online. To my amazement, last week I invented a fish stew which actually works and tastes great. Sadly though, I'm usually one of those people who throws various ingredients in a pan on spec and ends up with something totally inedible. I envy my sister-in-law who does that and ends up with a five course gourmet dinner.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

I hate sports. My philosophy is if you want to be involved with a sport play it. Don't watch someone else playing it. I had a temporary love of Formula One for a few years, back in the day, and supported Scot David Coulthard, but that waned.

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

Homer. <G> He has some minor health problems which mean we can't leave him home alone so he comes with us everywhere.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Gosh, all but lost in the mists of time. I remember being terribly excited when I went on irc one evening and discovered one of my favourite nfic authors – Menolly – was in the room. Came over all gushing fan and utterly mortified myself. Other than that, I can just remember talking to most of the 'names' around at the time, either because I was asking questions about how things work in response to things they'd posted or because I was sending them fdk about their fanfic. (My first big intro to FoLCdom was sitting every night for a period of several months, downloading as many fanfic from the Archive as I could in the two hours online time I was allocated and then sitting up into the small hours reading. So my first real contact with FoLCs would undoubtedly have come out of that source.)

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Nothing specific. All I knew was that I wanted to work with animals and outside. I wasn't going to be stuck in a stuffy office, typing, like 99% of girls were expected to. I even refused to join the typing lessons at school in my zeal to avoid that fate. Which is, no doubt, why I spent the majority of my working life stuck in an office, typing. razz

11. What is something you collect?

Books! Can't get enough of books. And DVDs. My twin passions. Keep me supplied with both and I'm content.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

LOL. Definitely. I wasn't so much bored as procrastinating over updating the TOCs. <g>

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers