1. What does your board name mean?

My name, or what my friends call me

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

New Jersey! And everything!!!!! I'm never leaving!

3. When did you start watching L&C?

From the beginning I believe however, I was 7 or so I don't really remember. I only remember watching Never on Sunday cause the snakes scared me!

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

2, 1, 4, 3

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

24, Smallville, SVU

6. What is your cooking (or burning) specialty?

Everything! I'm a pretty good cook, even better at baking! I would love to be a cook!

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Carolina Panthers and YANKEES

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

My blackberry

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

No idea, Its been way too long ago!

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


11. What is something you collect?

Nothing really! Junk!

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? yea it gave me something to do besides homework

Being grown-up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives, the only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right! ~Ataris