Well, I went to see it yesterday. I'm writing this without reading everyone else's comments in detail, because I want to preserve my first impressions and get them down on paper first, so to speak. Then I'll track back and see how my views compare with others. smile

So, I enjoyed it. I hadn't known that the old Superman music was going to begin the film, so that was a lovely surprise that put a huge grin on my face. It was all I could do to stop singing along - in fact, I probably did hum a bit and boogie up and down in my seat just a little. laugh Anyway, that music really put me in a good mood and got me excited and reassured me that this was going to be A Good Film.

Things I liked:

Kevin Spacey was an excellent Lex Luthor, as I'd expected. Martha was well-cast, too, and I loved the whole sequence where he crashes to earth and she finds him amongst the wreckage and flames. Perry was good, although I missed our Perry's larger-than-life characterisation.

Lois Lane was fine, too, although some of her clothes were a bit...off. They seemed to be trying to link her back to the previous LL by putting her in similar clothes, but that didn't really work for me. In fact, the entire Planet seemed to be a weird mix of the new - copious TV screens and computers - and the old - 1930s-style signage and Jimmy in a bow tie. I mean, a kid in a bow tie? Pul-leeese. I know that's a left-over from the original films and the cartoons, but can't we move on?

Now, the biggie. Clark Kent, aka Superman, aka Brandon Routh. Yeah, he was okay. He was a Christopher Reeve clone, which was fine, if not exactly ground-breaking. As Clark, his hair was lank and too long, and they put him in horrible dorkish clothes, all of which left you wondering what Lois Lane could possibly have seen in the guy. The original love of her life? Well, I know love is blind, and that personality is more important than good looks, but don't you need that initial attraction to get things going? Anyway, I wouldn't want to have his babies, and I doubt I'd even want to mow his lawn. wink But he was okay.

He was much better as Superman, whereas DC was always much better as Clark Kent. There are obvious reasons for that, of course - the series made CK the centre of the story, and the films make Superman the centre. Alas. wink

I enjoyed the challenges that Clark had to face, and the love story thread was fine, so far as it went.

Things I didn't like or found frustrating:

The kid's hair was too long. laugh
Superman looked the epitome of health when he was lying in the hospital apparently only just alive. Couldn't they have at least made his complexion a little pasty?

General stuff:

Ultimately, I found the film emotionally unsatisfying. Everything was pretty superficial and I think you could tell that it was written by fanboys. For example, after Lois and partner have rescued Superman and Lois has yanked out the sliver of kryptonite, Superman is up and away without even a thank you. Just "I have to go back," and then he's out of the plane. Argh! Martha stuck outside the hospital - yes, nice touch, but couldn't she have had just a tad more script in which to develop her character and her relationship with Clark?

And then, he visits the kid he now knows is his son (his son!!!), mumbles a few words his Dad once said, smiles happily, has a shallow, too-happy conversation with Lois ("I'll be around" smile, smile) and leaves. Smiling. I mean, he has no idea when he might see his son again. Will he get to play a part in the son's upbringing? Get visiting rights? Be kept informed if his son falls ill - the little guy didn't seem particularly healthy, after all. But no. Just "Hey, I've got a son." Smile. Leave. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I thought it was crying out for someone to say "Hang on, Clark's back, and so is Superman..." I mean...duh!

But, like I said, I enjoyed it. If they make another, I'll go and see it. Will I rent it on DVD? Maybe, maybe not.
