Originally posted by Arawn:
Well if you and other people enjoy it. More power to you. I’m obviously in the minority here.
Obviously. goofy But it is still your opinion and I thank you for sharing your thoughts.

No humor?
What was supposed to be funny? Lois having already “done Superman”. Or Luthor on the desert Island? The sonic boom thing? I can recall little else.
Wow, well I won't even rehash *all* of the funny scenes for you - because that could take a while LOL. I'm just observing here, but it seems to me like you went into this movie with disdain from the beginning, rather than an open mind? A few scenes that got huge laughs pretty much everytime, besides the few you mentioned, were:

1. Clark throwing the ball and the dog starting to chase after it
2. Kitty saying "Weren't there two of those?" (granted this is a little more disturbing than funny, but the way she delivered the line was great!)
3. Kitty again "Wow, that's really something Lex... it's freakin' Gone With The Wind!" - then the henchman (sorry can't remember which one) turned off the camera and everything going black - "I think I did something wrong!"
4. Jimmy and Clark both, during the burrito scene - and Lois was funny there too, standing with the stunned look on her face - her hair all frumpy!
5. Jimmy "Don't ask Ms. Lane when they're tying the knot, because ... SHE ... HATES that question!"
6. Jimmy "My camera's not working, and my phone's not working ... OK I'm good!" - and him saying proudly to Perry "I think they're coordinates Chief!"
7. Just about any line that referred to the Reeve films got people to chuckle or laugh! Especially the "hope this little incident hasn't put any of you off flying" scene - and him blowing out her cigarette lighter, to name a few.
8. Kitty's response to Lex - "You're losing your hair." "Get out."
9. Heck just about any line from Kitty and/or Jimmy - and several of Lex's lines too!
10. Perry saying Lois can't write worth a damn about sex!
11. Jason to Lex "You bald!"
12. Jason "Are we tresspassing?"
13. Do I need to go on - because believe me I can? wink

Most people are on the edge of their seats, especially during the last half hour of the film.
Truly?.. they are really that worried that Superman wont save the day?
What movie did you see again?? Most people were worried that Superman would not even *survive!* The fact that he literally was willing to *kill himself* to save the world was what made the whole movie so powerful, as far as I'm concerned!! That and the relationships between the characters.

As for warmth, did you not *see* the last 20-30 minutes of the film?
I see no spark between them, to me that is necessary to get a waffy feeling. A woman crying over an unconscious man doesn’t automatically make me bring out my handkerchief.
Guess that says more about you than the film itself? wink I'm sorry that you didn't feel anything for the characters, truly. There were so many emotional scenes in the last part of the film - and I wasn't just referring to the scenes with Lois and Superman. This movie was about a lot more than just THEIR relationship. Some of the scenes near the end that I believe were touching and emotional:

1. Superman lifting New Krypton and facing his own death - then people having to watch their hero fall, literally
2. The enormous crowd surrounding the hospital, supporting Superman
3. Lois & Jason in the hospital - mainly the end of that scene, when Jason goes back and kisses Superman!
4. Martha standing outside the hospital, waiting, and not even able to see her own son
5. The bedroom scene with Superman and Jason, probably the most poignant scene in the whole film!!
6. Heck, even the final fly-by which was an obvious dedication to Chris Reeve at the end was dripping with emotion - if not only for Chris' memory!

I can understand if you didn't see any chemistry between Brandon and Kate - because the chemistry was fleeting IMO. Still, the story and the performances alone (especially Brandon, personally Kate could've been better IMHO) was enough to touch most people. thumbsup

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Chris Reeve

"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right." Peter Parker