Well, I haven't been that much interested in this movie coming along, I have to say. I'm one of those people who, once they have a certain incarnation of something stuck in their heads, have trouble getting past that to accept any other variations in the future. No matter how unjustified. I used to adore the first two CR movies. After LNC though...just couldn't take them at all.

And mostly that's because I just cannot accept a geeky Clark Kent after Dean's wonderfully sauve GQ version of him.

But I have been reading this thread on and off and that sparked my interest enough that when I saw there was a 'behind the scenes' on the movie on cable at the weekend, I decided to take a look. Unfortunately, ten seconds in...there was geeky Clark Kent and, boom, that killed it stone dead for me right there.

So I was interested in Tank's comments on this aspect:

Clark Kent; What Clark Kent? It's been said that Brandon didn't play him quite as geeky as he was written in the original movies, but how could he? He was hardly in the movie. Even in the minimal screen time he had, he was such a non factor as to be inconsequential. That may have been Singer's purpose, but I didn't have to like it. I like it when Clark Kent is a real person with a real personality of his own.
Well, maybe I don't have to suffer him much then. wink Maybe I can just close my eyes during that bit and pretend he doesn't exist.

I also found this interesting:

Superman; Routh did a comendable job in the role. He seemed to be mimicing Chris Reeve quite a bit (some of which I think was intentional from Singer).
I noticed that, too, in the small amount of time I watched and that, too, put me off. It may just have been an unfortunate choice of clips they showed, but it just seemed to me that they were recreating the old CR movies, rather than giving us a new one. This was a scene where Lois and Superman were talking at night on what looked to me at least to be a rooftop - and whatsisname playing Superman seemed to be aping every gesture and mannerism of CR possible. Deja vu. Big time.

Also...not keen on the whole kid angle, either. <g> I like watching the romance. Not so interested in what it produces. laugh

But, having said that, I will probably watch this one at some point once it's out on DVD. And, who knows, at that point I might love it to bits and be embarrassed I ever wrote this. wink Not been unknown to happen. After all, I teased my best friend unmercifully for a whole year about her watching 'that silly kid's Superman thing on Saturdays' before realising Clark Kent was pretty hot in that one. Sheeesh...what do I know?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers