Okay, CC, get back here....

Warning - SPOILERS, although if you've been reading you've either seen the movie or are already spoiled.

So, CC, you are going on the premise that this movie follows the Christopher Reeve SM Movie II, right? That this movie picks up after Lois and SM spend the night in the FOS and SM gives up his powers for her but then gets them back to fight Zod and does some mumbo jumbo so that Lois forgets it all. But why do you assume that? I'm just not getting that although it seems like a lot of people are because I've heard others say as much.

My thought/belief was that this movie is its own entity, with its own backstory that didn't necessarily include Lois forgetting about any affair she and Supes might have had. My interpretation is that perhaps she never learned that SM = Clark, fell in love with SM and the two of them had at least a one-night affair if not more. Then he left and she was broken hearted...yada yada yada.

And I guess I don't see anything in this new movie that leads me to believe that Lois's memory had been altered or that she didn't remember she had slept with SM. In fact, I've been waiting for the outcry that our Lois would never go so far as to sleep with SM, possibly be pregnant with his child then sleep with another man and pawn the baby off as his. That's pretty devious behaviour, so I'm not really sure how to explain it away. If Lois had any true uncertainty about the parentage of her son, it would have meant her carrying on with both SM and Richard White within a short span of time, again, not so much behaviour we all expect of Lois.

So, I'm back at thinking that Lois knew all along that Jason is/could be SM's son and figured since SM had left, it would be better for Jason just to believe that Richard is his father and raise him normally. I'm not sure what this means about Richard knowing the truth or not.

All this aside, I did like the movie. A lot. And I think both Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth really nailed the roles - I liked Kate's Lois very much, in fact.

My only beef is that I feel like I was dropped in too far after the fact as far as Lois and SM's romance. Again, I went in under the assumption that this is a 100% new incarnation of SM, having no ties to the previous movies. As such, I missed seeing Lois and SM meet for the first time and all that would ensue between then and the moment this movie begins. Although I do like that they didn't just rehash the old movies but started with something different.

I do agree that Clark as a character was given really short shrift. I liked Routh's portrayal of him, sort of a hybrid between Reeve's bumbling goofus and Dean Cain's more controlled nice-guy. He was klutzy but not in a cartoonish way that made me roll my eyes. In fact, he acted as if maybe his klutziness as Clark wasn't perhaps a show but real, based on his awkwardness around Lois.

And, CC, don't worry. I'll be consoling Tom since you've abandoned him. I imagine you're giving up Michael as well? Cause he called... wink


EDIT - okay, I've found some places where it is stated that this movie is based in the same universe as the one established in the first two Reeve-as-SM movies, thus Lois forgetting about her night with SM. And...I don't like this!! I hated that they pulled the old memory-wipe trick to put Lois back at square one. I think I might continue to believe my original assumptions, that Lois did remember her night with Supes. Denial is not a bad option...

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah