Originally posted by SuperGEM:
I think she was only commenting on the fact that your statement was offensive, which I agree. So I suppose I have the mindset of a 10-year-old if I enjoyed the film?
People can choose to take offence over almost anything.
For instance in your posts so far you have suggested that I lacked an open mind, that I haven’t seen the film, that my different opinion stemmed from inattention. That I approached the film with disdain. Implied that my inability to perceive the romance stemmed from something weird in my psychological make-up. Pitied me for my inability grasp the greatness of the film.

Some people might find that offensive, I didn’t, because I never thought it was your intention to offend.

I have no idea how old you are, but since you asked, you do come across rather young(and I don’t find youth offensive.)
Now if my reference to ten year old came a cross as condescending,(and I can see that it would.) I’m sorry.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...