As I pointed out in one of the threads (I think it was on Zoom's site), I have read the 'Official' prequel comic "Superman Returns, Lois Lane". In that comic there is no ambiquity about Lois' preception. She believes that Richard got her pregnant.

I think it's possible that Singer is counting on using the fact that Superman is not human, and is in fact, an alien to explain away the time discrepancies in Lois' pregnancy and Jason's birth. After all, must we assume that a mating between members of different species (who actually shouldn't be able to procreate at all) should take the normal nine months?

I'm not even sure that Singer will bother to explain the 'problem' at all. His purpose was to create this situation that said Lois has moved on (without her actually having done it)and what better way than to introduce a child that nobody really wants to create this false impression of a 'family'.

Tank (who wonders why all these young wunderkind directors can't actually do a little research into the full history of their subject material before deciding on what is the right version to present to the masses)