I'm still dubious about the whole thing. Movies coming out in mid-August over here, so there is still some time to gather some enthusiams (the laughing fit I had over the German trailers didn't help any).

I don't mind the idea of the child so much, but rather Richard.
I think if Superman suddenly disappeared, Lois would have held out for him for some time (and as a reporter, didn't she ever try to find out what happened to him).
Since Jason is considered pre-mature, she must have taken up with Richard not too soon after Superman left. Could she have fallen for that guy so fast and could a relationship work that started on a rebound?

Currently the whole Richard-idea sounds more like the clichued fanfiction-plot of getting another guy in to get some artificial relationship-tension out of the couple that obviously belongs together.

I haven't seen the movie, but from the on-set I think they could have done without Richard.