Well, I agree with some of what you said about Niven's books, particularly the casual sex. Other stuff I saw differently, but you're right... OT. And not really worth its own thread.

I feel that I should, however, correct this:

How interesting it is to be told that "Superman II" was inspired by Niven's views on men and women! No wonder I felt like giving up on Superman forever when I had seen that Niven-inspired movie.
It's not like the whole movie was inspired by his writings, or even that his thoughts on men and women influenced things (AFAIK).

His relevant idea was that Superman, while he has his powers, cannot have sex with an earthwoman without killing her.

That idea is what's behind Superman's decision to give up his powers in Superman II.

I don't know of a direct corellation between Niven and Superman II, but my understanding is that Niven was the one who introduced the concept.

So that one idea of his, directly or otherwise, influenced that one scene in the movie. That, to the best of my knowledge, is the extent of the interaction there.

As for Superman Returns...

It was a good movie. Flawed, but good.

When you have the opportunity, I hope you'll see it yourself.

Sorry about all the spoilers here. I would have marked my post with a spoiler space, but I assumed that anyone this far into the thread would have seen the movie by now.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.