Good to hear from you, Carol!

I haven't seen the movie either - it doesn't open here until July 28 - but I have to comment on some things you said:
1. Superman's memory wipe of Lois is a pretty villanous thing to have done
It was AWFUL!!!! Which is why I thought I would have to give up on Superman forever after seeing Superman II.

I mean isn't it a violation of the Geneva Conventions or something? like, that action speaks to his character and it's not saying good things. Mind control, etc!
It was bad, horrible, through and through. But actually I have wanted this topic addressed ever since I watched Superman II. As some of you people on these boards may have noticed, I tend to be more suspicious of Clark and more forgiving of Lois than most of you. I think, bottom line, that a number of bad and devious things I have seen Superman do to Lois in the comics, and above all what he did to her in Superman II, means I don't fully, totally trust him. I didn't want that old Christopher Reeve movie to be completely buried - I wanted Superman's behaviour in that one to be brought to light again, and I wanted him to have to answer for his actions.

Some fuss has been made about the missing "American Way", but I'm thinking Supes has played games with "Truth" in all this.
clap clap clap

Just how long did Lois wait for Superman before hopping into bed with Richard??
The implication seems to be it's like a week, tops. How is that action consistent with a woman in love waiting for her disappeared lover to return?
The point is, I think, that Lois didn't know that Superman had been her lover. He had taken away her memory of it. Even so, admittedly, her new romance with Richard must have happened very fast.

Hollywood mainstream is not post modern liberated either, and the rule there is "The. Woman. Must. Pay."
This is depressingly, depressingly true.

So I have some misgivings about what the sequel will do to Lois and how it will treat Superman's love for her. I really hope I'm wrong about this, but..... )
I just wish I could feel completely confident that the Clark/Lois relationship is here to stay in the sequel to this movie, but unfortunately I'm not sure. Let's just hope those movie moguls decide that it may reflect badly on their all-American icon if he dumps his long-time girlfriend whom he even knocked up, as well.

(Of course... they might get rid of Lois by simply killing her. That way Clark could lose Lois and look blameless about it, and it would leave him free to, say, court Lana or something. Or, you know, they could kill both Lois and Jason, thus taking away the kid if they have changed their minds about this addition to the Superman mythos. If they kill both Lois and Jason, they would, so to speak, kill two birds with one stone. You think those movie people would do that? And am I a worrier or am I a worrier?)

Speaking again about Superman as the defender of Truth: So why couldn't he tell Lois he is Clark Kent, then? Why not tell her instead of sort of hope she might notice? Clark Kent is the father of Lois's child, shouldn't she be told about that? Particularly since it is Clark who has made sure that Lois can't know this, by taking away her knowledge of his double identity?

c. (who usually reads the end of long fanfics before commiting to a story. )
Me, too!
