Clark: I coulda been somebody. I could have been Super, instead of a lousy bum, which is what I am. So you see, Ultra Chick, you are the only one who can save us now. You, and you alone, must stop Leggs Luthor's deadly Eggsterminator.

CW: I told you, buddy, it's not Ultra Chick. It's Chicken Woman! And it looks like, once again, I must go out of the frying pan and into...

*turns around to look out the screen*

Okay, you know what? Just stop right there. I don't know who's writing this, but you need to lay off the Robitussin, cider, qwine, or whatever the heck it is. I am not going one step further with this fic.

Come on, Clark. Let's go. I hear the muses are throwing another party at the No-Author Zone.

As for you... Call me when you're sober.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.