Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

Well, there you have it. I toned it down just a bit from the Nfic version (Really, Michael, it was only a line or two and a few words, which is why you won't be seeing it on the Dark Side). Hopefully, that was enough. laugh

I also apologize to any of you who thought seeing Clark with another woman (even if it was years before meeting Lois) was TMI (Too Much Information). whinging

The other problem it might pose is that might mess up my neat and tidy spaced cliffies. Right now, I have like three (or is it four?) in a row coming up evil but if I cut the parts in half, it might double that. [Linked Image]

As I mentioned to Michael, if my cushion falls to five parts, I will have change my current posting schedule to whenever I send a new part to Beta (or the current every third day posting), whichever is longer. Without too many RL interruptions, I can write a Part in 2 days. I currently just got Part 61 back from Beta, which has my cushion at 7. But, I also, have houseguests coming next weekend for 10 days, which will limit my writing time considerably. I need the minimum 5 part cushion in case I need to change something I missed in an earlier part (I recently had to rewrite the final scene in part I had already sent to Beta, because of this.)

Another option would be for me to take another posting holiday (of a week or two) as I done this summer when I went on vacation, to try and allow me time to catch up. Although, for some of you, half-part postings at this current schedule might be more acceptable than no parts for two weeks.

So, I pose the same question to you that I posed to John:

huh What do you think?

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/19/14 03:23 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.