I'm guessing the Corn Fest starts Wed and ends Sunday.
But didn't Clark take Cat to France on Sunday, making it also Sunday when they arrived in Smallville. Then when they went to the Corn fest it would have been Monday, right? Or did I get confused about the timing somewhere?

So, PR is actually Wells in disguise. And NR has come up with another reason to keep LnC apart. Give Clark a chance to regain his invulnerability. wink
PR:They do not have that much time. Clark will need Lois' help before he is fully recovered.

CLARK: [Linked Image] He's not only lying to Lois. He's also lying to himself.
Both Lois and Clark seem to be very good at that.

Yes, but this is Lois, not Lana. She is the exact opposite in many ways.
Lois isn't a given and she's a bit of a wildcard in that he never knows what's she's going to do.
Still, she is clearly OK with flying in Superman's arms. Shouldn't this clue him into the fact she is definantly not Lana.

I somewhat understand why he thinks this way. No one wants to be loved for superficial reasons. However, I do not think Lois knows the real him unless she knows that he has the abilities.
He will come to understand this at some point.
PR:There is hope for Clark, he is not a total Lunkhead.
NR:At some point may mean "after Lois dies", and certainly "after he has suffered a lot from making assumptions that boil down to thinking Lois is extremely shallow".

John Pack Lambert