FDK - Continued...

NR:Good luck getting her to love you.
PR:Well, Clark I don't think she hates you any because you don't have your power right now.
Nope, Lois hates him for stuff he did with powers.

PR:She still has feelings for you.
NR:Like anger, hate, rage
PR:Some of her feelings are postive towards Clark.
Clark:I think NR is more correct at the moment.
PR:She is more angry at you than at Luthor.
Clark:I thought you were our postive reader, what's with the negative fact.
PR:Lois really only feels strong feelings for those she likes. She is ambivalent toward Luthor, she has anger at you. It can be turned to your advantage.
NR:Not if you keep being a lunkhead.
/Psst. There's documented proof that Lois actually prefers lunkheads./

CLARK: Documented proof?


PR:Actually Clark has done nothing negative in interacting with Lois for well over one part.
NR:That is because we have had no Lois/Clark interaction for over a part.
PR:Sometimes it is best to let Lois work through her rage alone.
Clark:But I want to be with Lois.
PR:We can always hope that here fear for your death will out wieght her anger when she sees Trask about to shot you.
[Linked Image]

It is probably could he didn;t find her at this point. Although part of me thinks that it would have been good for him to see her raction to the death of the other Clark, and to try to confort her at this point.
Actually, this Clark doesn't know what happened (or what the Kents did with baby Kal-El). He doesn't know about the grave with Clark Kent's name and the date his ship landed on it.

On the other hand, maybe that would just make things worse. Hmm, well, I guess I can't see her accepting his attempts to confort her.
Um... No.

PR:Your fears about where Lois has gone are unfounded Clark.
NR:Yes, she has gone somewhere where she has learned facts that will make her unwilling to ever believe you grew up in this Smallville.
But his hunch was a good one, knowing Lois. She was investigating but not what he thought.

Hmm, I am now really worried she is going to go hunting for him it Italy. Who could give her a ride to Italy. No, not a ride to Italy from Luthor. Please, please no.

But she is on the whole such a good person, and everyone else is more of less the same dimesion to dimension, that this death really does hurt.

Clark:Lois runs to have lunch with murderers, of course she would go off without telling.
LOIS: In my defense, I didn't know he was a murder. <<thinks for minute>> Who are we talking about again?

Well, there is much truth to this statement.
I figure since Rachel and Clark in alt-dimension were more friends, than canon Rachel, who seemed to have developed a tendre (crush) for canon Clark as the boy who got away, we see a scenario where Rachel has turned herself in the girl who got away. She does have a crush on Clark, always have, but she figured she'd never get more than that one night, which is why when her funds departed, she didn't want to go back home. It made her a stronger character.

This seems to be code for "I am still in denial". It seems to be a favorite line of this Clark.

It is good Thomas is facing up to this. On the other hand, I am not sure he is right about what would have happened if she had lived. After going to Prom with Walt would she have anything but negative feelings for him? Why did she agree to go with a jerk like Walt in the first place? I guess I can see lots of reasons, including maybe not knowing how much of a total jerk he is, but still.
Happens all the time. Walt was a senior, she was junior. He was popular, she was shy. He asked her out, she was flattered. It wasn't until she went out with him that she saw what a jerk he was.

Maybe we should send Thomas over to alt-dimension to be with that Rachel. Of wait, there is a Thomas there. That would cause a problem. Hmm, maybe, maybe not.
Alt-Thomas is currently working as a video store clerk in Wichita. Rachel might like this one better.

She seemed pretty relaxed at the Kerth ceremony. There is a lot Clark does not know about Lois. He needs to actually communicate with her more.
There wasn't dancing at the Kerth's. You must be thinking of Luthor's Orchid ball. Line dancing just doesn't seem like Lois's style.

Clark:Well, I just learned Rachel died on Prom night. It hurts a lot, and has caused me to think of her. I still like Lois more, but right now my mind is just preoccupied with Rachel.
Let the man grieve. Even canon Clark grieved Mayson at the expense of his relationship with canon Lois.

Well, it is not Lois' fault she gets kidnapped more. And adults have more responsibilities. Anyway, is Rachel still like this, or is this Clark's nostalgic pining for a Rachel who no longer exists and maybe never did.

OK, so I really do not like the Clark obsessing over Rachel. It did not seem too bad on the first run through, but on analizing things, I am really worrying about his attachement to Lois. Good thing Rachel is dead.
Originally, this scene was written when I wrote the Lana memory part, but it seemed odd to have 9 pages of Rachel while he was thinking about his relationship with Lana, so I moved it. I guess, I could have kept this part for when Clark was alone. The other spots I considered would have been when he was talking to Lana and Hank (which would have been a weird time for Clark to be thinking about *why* this person was important to his life). I guess I could have put this scene in during the car ride back to the Kents, but that scene was from Lois's POV, and I also thought it tacky for Clark to be thinking of Rachel while sitting next to Lois. I love the sweetness of this scene I wanted to include it, but I didn't want to wait until after Lois and Clark had met up again, because I wanted Clark to be done mourning (basically) and back focused on Lois.

So, one vote for TMI. Gotcha! Don't worry, I won't describe Lois's time with Claude (or Paul) or any more details with Lana (we've had enough of that, don't you think?)

Hmm, maybe it is true. Rachel as a potential rival to Lois forces Lois to play her hand in a way a dead Rachel never can.
Rachel is only dead in THIS dimension. evil

Moving on...

By essentially going along with her brother's massive stealing from her.
Forgiving. She believes her brother meant to pay her back. She likes her life now, and isn't bitter.

Can he even say he is friends with Lois? Their relationship seems to be very shallow.
NR:yes, my voice is expanding.
PR:No, Clark was a good friend to Lois on her birthday. And Lois has listened to Clark's pain of his time in foster care in a way Rachel never has.
Clark:True, but how could I tell Rachel of the horror of foster care without sounding like I was trying to guilt her or something.
Rachel knows about some of Clark's trials in fostercare, as he was also lived with the Harrises for 6 months.

My issue with this section is not so much that it exists, but that I think we get way too much information. Way, way too much information.
My apologies. I was going for sweet.

Maybe it is just me, but I would have thought it would be "Old Man Shuster", not just "Old Shuster".
Good point.

Maybe I just obtusse, but I am not really sure how he knew what she was talking about.


"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.