Forty-five minutes earlier…
One step-forward and two steps back has now gone from describing the LnC relationship to describing the chronilogical flow of this story.

Clark was distracted. For some reason, he couldn’t focus, and he thought that reason probably had something to do with his lack of powers.
Nah, it is mainly a result of Lois' anger at him.

He couldn’t remember if he had been so distracted that first time he’d been exposed. The fact that he couldn’t recall that time clearly was a sign that his eidetic memories were another one of his super abilities.
This is one effect of Kryptonite never explored in the show. It makes sense. I mean, Clark can super-speed read and remember afterword, as we saw when he read Molly Flynn's anti-technology screed, so it is clear there is a super componant of his memory.

Was this the pathetic man he would have been if he'd been born without powers?
Clark, stop the pity party. You have a lot more non-super skills than you give yourself credit for.

No wonder Lois wasn’t attracted to him. Actually, she was attracted to him, but without his super metabolism, he’d most likely have ended up either a ninety-eight pound weakling, or a four-hundred pound whale.
Well, at least Clark realizes that Lois is attacked to him, not just Superman.

Postive reader:now we have a set-up where no Lois is good, and Lois being there is also good, so everything is good.
Negative reader:You cheat.

On a slightly different note, I could see canon-Clark at 400 lbs. without super-powers, but not this Clark at all. His food regime is too health conscious for that.

What he was experiencing currently was the loss of Lois’s trust, of her affection, of her – dare he say it? – love.
PR:Why dosn't Clark just tell her the truth.
NR:Like she would believe him.
PR:At least then he would not have the guilt of lieing waying him down.
That was more agony than anything that other Lois had done to him.
It is only those who we love who can truly hurt us.

She had always been straightforward with the facts. She had told him from moment one that she had been engaged to that other Clark, and that was where her heart lay.
NR:He doesn't know that Lois just discovered her real Clark. This is going to be real hard on him.
PR:Well, maybe he can now work with Lois to bring back her Clark, and in the process convince Wells to help hom bring back his Lois.
NR: grumble and said "you no good, double crossing partner of mine, why didn;t you tell me sooner, and why didn;t you let me question him directly, you always forget some important detail when interviewing him. grumble "
Clark:Trask is here.
PR:We havn't seen him yet. Maybe not in this universe.
He needed to work harder as Clark to earn her love, that was, if he hadn’t already lost her completely.
PR:She still has feelings for you.
NR:Like anger, hate, rage
PR:Some of her feelings are postive towards Clark.
Clark:I think NR is more correct at the moment.
PR:She is more angry at you than at Luthor.
Clark:I thought you were our postive reader, what's with the negative fact.
PR:Lois really only feels strong feelings for those she likes. She is ambivalent toward Luthor, she has anger at you. It can be turned to your advantage.
NR:Not if you keep being a lunkhead.
PR:Actually Clark has done nothing negative in interacting with Lois for well over one part.
NR:That is because we have had no Lois/Clark interaction for over a part.
PR:Sometimes it is best to let Lois work through her rage alone.
Clark:But I want to be with Lois.
PR:We can always hope that here fear for your death will out wieght her anger when she sees Trask about to shot you.
Clark:I prefer to not risk my life on unproven love.

Clark finished his circle around the barnyard and still saw no sign of Lois.
It is probably could he didn;t find her at this point. Although part of me thinks that it would have been good for him to see her raction to the death of the other Clark, and to try to confort her at this point.

On the other hand, maybe that would just make things worse. Hmm, well, I guess I can't see her accepting his attempts to confort her.

It was as he had feared. Unable to wait for him to get his slow brain around Rachel’s death in this dimension, Lois had headed off to the Irigs’ without him.
PR:Your fears about where Lois has gone are unfounded Clark.
NR:Yes, she has gone somewhere where she has learned facts that will make her unwilling to ever believe you grew up in this Smallville.

Hmm, I am now really worried she is going to go hunting for him it Italy. Who could give her a ride to Italy. eek No, not a ride to Italy from Luthor. Please, please no.

John Pack Lambert