John: So, that would be one vote for no more posting vacations, the longer the better, and post more often too. Gotcha! thumbsup (hey a 20 page FDK response. A new record!)

One step-forward and two steps back has now gone from describing the LnC relationship to describing the chronilogical flow of this story.
Well, since this first scene with Thomas (kind-of) takes place before Clark gets captured, I just didn't want anyone to get confused.

Nah, it is mainly a result of Lois' anger at him.
Lois, more deadly than Kryptonite.

This is one effect of Kryptonite never explored in the show. It makes sense. I mean, Clark can super-speed read and remember afterword, as we saw when he read Molly Flynn's anti-technology screed, so it is clear there is a super componant of his memory.
Clark raises the possiblity here, but then has vivid memories of both Lana and Rachel, so it's just possible that when he was exposed the first time he had just gone through something traumatic that his memories conveniently blocked out for him. evil

Clark, stop the pity party. You have a lot more non-super skills than you give yourself credit for.
Oh, let him wallow in the mud for a while. He deserves it.

LOIS: He's at one with himself when he's in the mud!

Well, at least Clark realizes that Lois is attacked to him, not just Superman.
Clark does have optimism, like Canon Clark, just not as much.

we did not get positive interactions out of Clark being powerless as in the original GGGoH
He hasn't recovered yet. [Linked Image]

Positive Reader:Well, Clark's power's arn't back yet.
Negative Reader:Its not like he is likely to make it to any more Corn-fest things.
Positive Reader:How long does the corn-fest last. There still might be hope.
Oh, dear, I've awoken John's split personality. <bites fingernails nervously>

I'm guessing the Corn Fest starts Wed and ends Sunday.

Negative Reader:Yeah right. With Lois on the war parth.
Postive Reader:Hmm, well OK, but at least we will probably see Lois saving Clark. Some positive interaction will happen.
Negaitve reader:I'm not holding my breath. With our luck Lois won;t even appear in this installemtn.
Postive reader:At least then she can't tear out Clark's spleen.
Clark: <help>
Exactly! They aren't quite ready to see each other yet. Clark needed to finish mourning for Rachel, Lois needs to work out her anger issues. <Okay, she'll still have anger issues after Smallville, we all know that, but her current anger issues.>

On a slightly different note, I could see canon-Clark at 400 lbs. without super-powers, but not this Clark at all. His food regime is too health conscious for that.
There is a story about a chunky alt-Lois. It's a WIP though.

PR:Why dosn't Clark just tell her the truth.
NR:Like she would believe him.
PR:At least then he would not have the guilt of lieing waying him down.
Everything is weighing Clark down at the moment. <<ducking>>

It is only those who we love who can truly hurt us.
Yep, that's why Lois never has intense feelings for Lex.

NR:He doesn't know that Lois just discovered her real Clark. This is going to be real hard on him.
PR:Well, maybe he can now work with Lois to bring back her Clark, and in the process convince Wells to help hom bring back his Lois.
[Linked Image]

NR: You are an undieing optimist. Clark is deader than dead, They are still on a shattered timeline. It would be impossible to save this Clark.
PR:Never say impossible.
NR:Well, it is not likely with Lois about to tear out Wrong Clark's spleen.
So, PR is actually Wells in disguise. And NR has come up with another reason to keep LnC apart. Give Clark a chance to regain his invulnerability. wink

She does not yet even know half of his lies. I still have to say that I find some of his reasons for not telling Lois flawed. I am not buying it keeps her safer, not at all.
CLARK: [Linked Image] He's not only lying to Lois. He's also lying to himself.

He has made the first step. Admitting responsibility.
CLARK: I'm going to recover?

LOIS: [Linked Image] Not if I have anything to do with it.

I don;t think he had any other option once Martha called the Planet. In fact, I don;t thing he had any other long term option when he neglected to create a back-history for Clark. Of course, I am not sure how he would have artificially planted Clark at strategic places in the past. Hmm, actually maybe that is what he should have gotten Wells to do first, they do a few short visits to the past, forge some documents and such, so he has a real back story. Nah, that would have come bakc to bite him even worse at some point.
He didn't see any reason why his Metropolis life and his Kansan life ever had to meet. He thought he could keep them secret. When he first came to this dimension, he wasn't planning on going back to Smallville and then he had a guilt-attack for not rescuing alt-Lois and went to the one place he had always felt safe (a cluster of trees between the Irig and Kent farms). Then he heard Martha's voice, and that heard that Jonathan had been injured, and knew he he had to help. He realized was getting a second chance at this part of his life too.

That's because he is. Lois caught that he has no real background in Smallville.
[Linked Image]

Yes, but this is Lois, not Lana. She is the exact opposite in many ways.
Lois isn't a given and she's a bit of a wildcard in that he never knows what's she's going to do.

CLARK: Isn't she great?!

He's only had two real relationships with women: Rachel and Lana, so all of his decisions are based on what he did or didn't do right in those relationships. (kind of, sort of).

I somewhat understand why he thinks this way. No one wants to be loved for superficial reasons. However, I do not think Lois knows the real him unless she knows that he has the abilities.
He will come to understand this at some point.

If her love is sincere enough it will not matter what exactly she fell in love with.
Which is why he wants her to love him before he tells her his secret.

LOIS: [Linked Image]

Hmm, so how will her attachement to dead CK factor into his assesment of her feelings for him. She does not know dead CK=real SM. Hmm, this means right now we have fake SM. Yes, I think I will keep with that.
Clark:I am real.
NR:You don;t seem to be living up to SM standards in this installment.
Clark:What have I done.
NR:We will see soon.
CLark:Wait, you are going to judge me based on my actions as a 19-year-old.
NR:Real SM never did any of those stupid things.
Clark:Real SM was not bounced between 10 or more fosters homes, he had the solid support of his parents.
PR:Good point. We will retrn to this discussion later on.
Clark:At least I have one friend.
Um... I'm thinking what NR means is: Rachel. Of course, technically, Clark did Lana too.

CLARK: Ew. Don't remind me. And, Rachel, well, it was her idea.

LOIS: :rolleyes: Hey, I'm no virgin either, Clark.

CLARK: See, Lois understands.


"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.