I consider myself a "hardcore reader," since I've now read most of the fics at the archives at least twice now--and I did that within the space of 10 months. But I did not start reading the Nfic at Annesplace until I was about half-way to 3/4 of the way through the archive the SECOND time.
Oh, I didn’t mean that you couldn’t be a “hardcore reader”, without reading Nfic, but those who has taken the trouble to get into that section generally are. Your experience mirrors mine, when I'd chewed through the archive and still wanted more I had to sign up to get the Nfic.
At the same time, I had to face up to being a freak for liking fanfic so much. spider Without the access system, I could still pretend that this was just something I read when bored. Which I think can also restrict people from reading, guilty pleasure, limited access material.

And so what if Nfic authors who Gify their fics ARE looking for recognition in Gfic?
If they simply are sanitizing their stories, because the SYSTEM makes it hard for people to read their Nfic work I consider it unfortunate.

It all depends on one's definition of "rewarding." I find Gfic versions of Nfic quite rewarding, as long as there's still a great plot leftover after the adult themes are cut.
I’ve never read Nfic for the smut. If the sex isn’t driving the relationship or plot forward I just skim over it. At the same time sex is a large part of healthy normal relationship and when you have stories that flinch from it, it suspends my disbelief. It’s like those American TV-series where the woman mummify herself in the sheets the morning after. You are pulled out of the story and made to contemplate why people are scared of boobies, rather then immersing yourself in the show.

They may really want to read a story by a particular author but just find smut offensive.
Well, people finds all kind of things offensive. A vocal part of the community seem to find deathfics offensive for example. Personally I don’t like alt-universe stories, or next generations stories but I don’t expect the author to rewrite them and I wouldn’t want a system prodding them to rewrite their stories to fit my preferences.

The A-plot and the relationship aspect as well as her spectacular characterizations are something that I would hate for anyone to miss.
I don’t want anyone to miss these things either, that is why I brought up this topic.

I realize I’m virtually alone in this, but I don’t find the sex in the Nfic section unsuitable for children. If this is the kind of tender smut your kids goes for I think you should consider yourself fortunate. (Unless your kids lack hormones or computer knowledge.) Now I don’t mean that you should encourage children to read it, but a separate folder with a adult content warning should be enough catering to those who find it offensive. If a minor chose to ignore the warning it’s on their head(just like if they lie about the password)and anyway I can’t see how they really would be harmed by the content.


Believe me, FB's PG version is good!
I’m sure it is. I just don’t feel inclined to read it when I have every reason to believe I find the original story more enjoyable.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...