Why can’t people just not read those stories that doesn’t appeal to them?

And from my experience the Gfic version of a fic is often less intense, some I’ve even misunderstood because things had been cut to harshly.

I’ve great difficulty believing that the Gfic version of Faustian is more rewarding then the origina
Okay, Arawn, here again you are forgetting that some of our readers are under age and can't access nfic. At least in my particular writing - I pgify a story for *those* readers because they *can't* access my story, and I would like for them to be able to. Plus, don't knock someone just because they don't want to read smut. They may really want to read a story by a particular author but just find smut offensive. Therefore, by posting a PG version, those interested readers still get to enjoy a very good story (just a smutless one).

I agree that some PGified stories, if not done well, can be not quite as good as the original. It depends on how much time and effort the author is willing to put into the Pgifying of it. And there are some scenes that just aren't capable of being PGified... period.

The PG version of Faustian to you may not be nearly as rewarding as the *n* version. But, for those underaged people out there, it's great for them that they can at least read the PG version. And for people who do have an aversion to actual smut - it's great for them as well. Because let's face it - Sue's story ROCKED!!! The A-plot and the relationship aspect as well as her spectacular characterizations are something that I would hate for anyone to miss. If I wanted to re-read Faustian and somehow didn't have access or want to read the nfic version, I would very happily read the PG version, because I loved the "story" -- more than just the smut. I have no idea if anyone understands what I mean by that... but well... there you have it.

-- DJ angel-devil


And so what if Nfic authors who Gify their fics ARE looking for recognition in Gfic? Feedback is what keeps authors going, after all.
Oh, yes, and well, there is THAT blush

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.