I think it because those with Nfic access are the hardcore readers, otherwise they wouldn’t have taking the trouble to get in, and they aren’t as hesitant in making noise either as those that are just browsing.
Not necessarily, Arawn. I consider myself a "hardcore reader," since I've now read most of the fics at the archives at least twice now--and I did that within the space of 10 months. But I did not start reading the Nfic at Annesplace until I was about half-way to 3/4 of the way through the archive the SECOND time.

Why? Because I wasn't in the mood for Nfic until then. But once I saw the Nfic, then while I was reading through the Gfic, if I found a fic with an N version, then I popped on over to Annesplace to read that version as well. If the stories were well-written, I found that I liked both versions.

As for here at the boards, I didn't start reading the Nfic here until I saw the Gfic version of Faustian chapter 1. That ONE chapter was so well-written, despite its lack of N-ness, and I knew about the Nfic version before-hand and that it was almost finished. So, I decided to read the Nfic version. I was definitely not "just browsing."

I’ve great difficulty believing that the Gfic version of Faustian is more rewarding then the original and would much rather see Sue writing something new. So I really hope that those authors that Giefiy their Nfic doesn’t do it simply to get the recognition their stories deserve.
It all depends on one's definition of "rewarding." I find Gfic versions of Nfic quite rewarding, as long as there's still a great plot leftover after the adult themes are cut.

And so what if Nfic authors who Gify their fics ARE looking for recognition in Gfic? Feedback is what keeps authors going, after all. Although, I would hope that there are other reasons as well--like wanting to share the story with as many readers as possible, thereby entertaining everybody who chooses to open the files.

I agree that some of the more adult-theme-heavy fics shouldn't be Gified--there wouldn't be anything left except maybe some dialogue and stuff!

But . . .

Wait, what was my point again?

Oi. I've rambled.

Anyway, Gfic versions of Nfic, to me, are good, no matter which was written first (and yes, I have seen Gfics turned into Nfics--it's rare, but it happens), PROVIDED that the original story was well-written in the first place, i.e. Sue's Faustian Bargain.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place