No, you just protest every deathfic to the point that authors are unwilling to write/post them.
While I don't agree with Ann's pov on deathfic and the posting of deathfic here on these mbs, I have to say that I haven't noticed any great dearth of them recently.

Quite the opposite in fact - I've been really pleased to see so many authors posting deathfic over recent months and that the reader response has been - generally - favourable.

Another sign of the opening up of the fandom, it becoming less restrictive, that I've generally noticed over the past couple of years and heartily approve of. laugh

So I'm not sure where you get the impression from, Rivka, that authors are being put off from posting deathfic here. There seems to be plenty of it around.

LabRat smile

PS - Weird moment. While spellchecking this post, the spellchecker kept urging me to replace 'deathfic' with 'pathfinder'. In what bizarro world are they connected? dizzy huh

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers