Just to clarify, even though I hate to back that far up, but I was away on a business trip and am now catching up smile

but for how any Americans could believe that smutfic wasn’t legal.
I never meant to imply smutfic was inherently illegal. There have most certainly, however, been laws to prevent disseminating smutfic and various materials considered obscene to minors, which is what I was trying to talk about and quoted from the usdoj website.

But that since American law enforcement doesn’t prosecute the multitude of erotic literature sites that are a hundred times more sexually explicit then the Nfic archive , this form of erotica is obviously legal in the US.
My other point was that you shouldn't necessarily use sites already in existence as examples for what is legal. Just because a site is in existence, does not mean that it is not open to prosecution. It is impossible for law enforcement to be that thorough. Absolutely impossible.

Do I make better sense now?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.