Yes, the n stands for naughty. It's a convention which I myself think is out of date. Back when it was coined the majority of nfic was, I believe, of the mind candy, romp variety. Nowadays, the genre encompasses a far greater range of themes.

But we've had countless debates on this one over the years and have yet to come to a concensus on what would be a suitable replacment, so it stays nfic until we do. laugh

Incidentally, smut hasn't really been a term used in FoLCdom - although I have begun to see it sprinkled around now and then more recently. Perhaps that's because it's a widely used term in other fandoms? I wouldn't know because I've never really read nfic outside of FoLCdom. There are some authors in FoLCdom who do find the term offensive as they equate it with porn sites. I myself don't like it, simply because it doesn't fit in with my own interpretation of what my nfic stories are about. It generates a quite different impression in me whenever I see it. But, if it's widely used for nfic in other fandoms, I can understand why people use it and don't mean what I do when I say smut.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers