Is this now a case of flogging an extremely dead horse?
Wendy, I have the utmost respect for the dead, horses included, and make a sincere attempt to avoid flogging them wink . However, I'm pretty sure I've posted more to this thread than I have to any other on these boards, including my own story threads. I find discussions of fandom culture and politics interesting, and IMO, that is what this has been. It has remained civil and intelligent, even when the posters have held differing opinions. I've consistently had the impression that Arawn was not so much agitating for change (which, as you say, would obviously be futile, there being little to no support for the idea) as attempting to understand how the current system came about and why it was being maintained.

I don't doubt that this is all familiar territory for those of you who have been in the fandom since its inception, but shouldn't those of us more lately arrived have the opportunity to discuss it, so long as we have the interest and the discussion remains polite?

