Caroline said:

Wendy, I have the utmost respect for the dead, horses included, and make a sincere attempt to avoid flogging them . However, I'm pretty sure I've posted more to this thread than I have to any other on these boards, including my own story threads. I find discussions of fandom culture and politics interesting, and IMO, that is what this has been. It has remained civil and intelligent, even when the posters have held differing opinions.
Oh, absolutely, and I certainly had no intention of attempting to shut down discussion! I'm sorry if I gave that impression. It's just that I did get the impression that Arawn was continuing to argue that the system here should be changed. If, as he now says, he's not and is simply participating in a more general discussion, then I happily withdraw the flogged horse goofy

And, yes, it's got to be a fascinating discussion for those who weren't around in the beginning. I know that for those of us who've grown up with it we're well used to it and it's almost a surprise to realise that relative newcomers may think it's strange.

That's the thing about fandom cultures: you get inculcated in them and then can't possibly imagine any different ways of doing things. That's one of the potential pitfalls of moving into new fandoms, because everyone does things differently. What I found strange at first about the fandom I've moved into were things like the lack of any centralised fic archive where everything goes (which I understand now because there are so many different characters and variations of fic type), the fact that some people will just post fic to their journals and not anywhere else at all, so you get to find out about it, if at all, by word of mouth/recommendations, and that it's considered perfectly acceptable to post story instalments with gaps of months between them - even, in some cases, a year or more. In the L&C fandom, as I was telling someone last night, that would be considered a dead story wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*