But this is about a half galaxy beyond safe. You can hardly click on an random internet link without being directed to a porn site.
This is kind of an everyone else is doing it so why can't we? argument. Which doesn't really work on the legal side of things. All it takes is one really irate parent.

Obscenity laws in the US have always been a source of great contention. After all, who decides what is obscene? A litmus test has even been established in order to determine what makes something obscene. But it is generally accepted that things that fail this litmus test are not protected under free speech. And, really, why play with fire?

Another thing I forgot to mention -- not everything out there is hosted in the US. Sometimes it's a case of jurisdiction.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.