I don’t know about what kind of adult filters you have for your kids, but I would be happy see any kid of mine reading in the Nfic section. Provided such vanilla smut could hold their attention.
Yes, but the problem is, Arawn, that this is your view. It's not everyone's view. You only have to look out in the real world and see what people complain about on TV and in the media to realise that what one person considers inoffensive another considers abhorrant and outrageous.

And I don't think that some religious viewpoints of sexually explicit material is such an unknown or rare event that it's impossible to understand why someone coming from that viewpoint would consider nfic very far from innocent and suitable for minors to read.

I happen to agree with your pov. I've always argued that in FoLCdom nfic is mostly about two consenting adults enjoying a healthy, loving physical relationship and have been happy to defend my writing/reading of it in that context.

However, others don't feel that way and their pov is also worthy of consideration.

I've never been terribly impressed, either, I have to say with those click if you're over 18 buttons. They are pretty meaningless, since they rely on the honesty of the clicker to work. And, as I said in my previous post, our experience is that some minors lie to get access to nfic. You might as well just not bother having the button at all and just have a free for all, for all the barrier they provide.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers