Yes, as LabRat has explained very clearly, there are many reasons behind the rules for access on these boards - which are the same as the rules for access on Zoomway's message boards, Annesplace and other sites hosting nfic in FoLCdom. It's partly, too, as she's said, history in the way this fandom has developed. The main archive does not host stories rated above PG13 - and, believe me, there've been complaints that some of those stories cross the line between PG13 and adult fic on one ground or another. Much of that's a matter of perspective and personal thresholds, though.

What it comes down to is that either you'll understand and respect the reasons behind the system in this fandom or you won't. I can understand that, if you have a lot of experience of other fandoms, this may seem very restrictive. Writing in another fandom now, I do find that I have to watch my language usage a little less than I did in FoLCdom, for example. Practices vary.

Ultimately, though, the old saying When in Rome... springs to mind. wink The bottom line is that these restrictions are in place to protect the site owners. They're the ones who'll face the irate emails - and, as LabRat has pointed out, have faced them. They run the sites; they're entitled to set the rules. Our choice is to go along with them or set up our own sites where we can make our own rules wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*