Originally posted by TOC:
One thing pains me, though - that stories that were written as brilliant nfic are locked away and get reposted as watered-down gfic.
You know, I was going to rewrite this quote using either non-judgemental words, or words that judged in the opposite direction. But I think I won't bother.

Seriously, TOC, I do not understand you. The same person who has positive conniptions every time anything remotely deathfic-like is posted (despite in-your-face warnings from the authors) objects to some people wanting to avoid nfic, but appreciating the option of reading versions of those stories they are comfortable with?

Does this really not seem the tiniest bit hypocritical to you? Or are you just that unable to empathize with other views?

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun