I’ve great difficulty believing that the Gfic version of Faustian is more rewarding then the original
I have to give massive kudos to Sue for the huge job of making it PG-13 and I hope she gets a bunch of feedback from the younger/non nfic reading members of this fanfic community. I never thought it could happen.
The thing is that the PG version of Faustian isn't getting a lot of feedback. Some of the feedback threads include me. And that's it. And what we aren't remembering is that it was the A plot of the story that was so fantastic. And don't forget how many parts there were that didn't have any sex scenes. Believe me, FB's PG version is good!

I think sometimes we forget how important feedback is. Even if all you have time to do is leave a smiley, I'm sure I'd appreciate it. I bet Sue would, too.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~