Yikes! Is it even wise to follow Jar-Jar Binks? eek Or would that be a bad omen?

As I mentioned when I did some FDK response earlier today, Part 140 isn't working out the way I planned and/or hoped. I'm currently working on rewriting a major portion of it, therefore, to keep my cushion at 5 parts, I will not be able to post Part 135 tonight.

One of my Betas has been having computer trouble and will soon be returning to an overloaded school schedule, and limited betaing availability. Now that September is peering over the horizon at me, I'll probably need to start seriously looking for some kind of employment outside the home now that my youngest is heading off to Kindergarten in a couple of weeks. My posting schedule in the last month has been quite spotty and it would probably be best if I tone it down to only one post per week for the foreseeable future. <<I know the wildguy will start to parade across my FDK page because of that statement, especially after I post 135, so I'll promise now that I'll post Part 136 as soon as I can after completing Part 141.>> I'll miss reading all the new gems of wisdom those who comment on my stories give me (twice a week), but perhaps I'll be able to work up on building my cushion, so I don't miss any more postings.

Again, my apologies.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.