Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
"You have the edge, being that you know what he’s going through, since he shot you in the arm last summer."
Is Lois going to realize that Luthor has healed from his gunshot wound too quickly? How long is the real Luthor going to be willing to fake an injury? And how will he explain that to Arianna?
Well, Ariana does know about the clone, so most thinks will be explainable to her.

I hope Lois does notice something is up with Luthor recovering too fast. Still, if she does, what will she think? In a world with no clones, that is the last thing people will think.

Even Clark who had been cloned and had just been involved in exposing the president as a clone took a while to think "maybe this Lois is a clone" when she was acting off.

John Pack Lambert