He walked into the buzzing newsroom. There seemed to be a large crowd of people in Perry’s office, so he directed his feet in that direction. He peeked in, looking for Lois.
This is the first time ever I hope he does not find her. This is just a horrible plan he has. The worst ever. He needs to stop making Lois decisions for her.

“Whoa! Back up there, Kent,” their boss said, holding up his hand. “Who died, and why isn’t there a story about it on my desk, along with the Superman exclusive Lois said you would get us?”
Clark:Why does Lois have to give me the story now?

Great. Two stories he needed to write up.
He does have super-spped.

Perry’s brow furrowed. “What boat?”
Sadly there are probably too many boats in Metropolis to have this be a lead. Even if they found the boat they probably could not trace it to Luthor.

“Sadly, no. I mean, I have my hunches…” Clark said, letting his voice trail off with a meaningful glance at his boss.
So now they all suspect Luthor, but are going to be too pigheaded to work together on it. Mainly because Clark is too over-protective of Lois. I wish he would learn, but I guess after Lois his own Lois it is a bit hard.

He’s been busy putting out fires, literally, since he got back from space.
That was a fun line.

“Tell me about it,” Cat said, swiping a glass of champagne off a tray. “I heard a rumor that even Lisa Marie Presley accepted a marriage proposal from Michael Jackson. I mean, how desperate does a woman have to be for that to happen?”
hyper He is going to find her and wimp out of or forget about his stupid, horrible plan. OK, I don't really expect it to go that way, but I can hope, can't I?

“She came in, downed a cup of champagne in one gulp, and said she had to go meet a source and would be in tomorrow,”
Maybe seeing how emotionally cut up she is right now will convince Clark not to go through with the breakup yet.

“I don’t think the girl has slept more than two winks since Superman announced his mission to her Thursday night.”
Clark, she chose to stand by you. Let her do it. She does not mind the risk, and she will be safer with you protecting her, than not.

“MPD,” Jimmy said, joining their group and picking up a glass of champagne. “Lois went to talk to Inspector Henderson about your case, CK, and said she would be in contact and that if you needed help writing your Superman article to give her a call at her apartment.”
I hope he at least stops by her apartment. Breaking up over the phone, even "for her own good" is just tacky. OK, his whole plan is tacky.

Clark nodded. At least she had left him a message.
Clark, she loves you, or course she left you a message.

“Tell that to Lois,” she insisted, turning towards her desk.
That he could not have done it without Lois, or that he could not have done it without Cat?

Clark saw her bottom lip quiver for a moment, before she responded, “That’s two you owe me, Chuck,”
This is just wrong. Only Lois is allowed to call him Chuck.

“I owe you one dinner to talk about Phil.
Maybe Clark will see that Cat is jumping to conclusions.

“I forget,” he mumbled.
Or is it just too complicated to give a striaght answer?

Clark continued to stare at the words. It was his birthday, and he needed to break up with Lois. Some birthday gift.
frown whinging wallbash wallbash Clark, this is a horrible, terrible, unnecessary plan. Don't do it. You have broken her heart too many times as it is. You can protect her better with her by your side.

John Pack Lambert