He was from the planet Krypton, and the Kents had said something weird. Jonathan had said he was from another dimension. What was he doing here then?
So he really has no idea who he is.

Clark followed the curve of the Earth around until he saw the broad outline of North America and headed straight for the brightest set of lights. That must be Metropolis.

It turned out to be New York.
smile1 he still appreciates how she looks.

How lucky a man he was to have such a woman love him?
I hope he still thinks this is how things are at the end of this meeting.

Clark had somehow revealed his secret to her, when they talked earlier.
Kissing will do that.

He wasn’t sure how. Had he moved too quickly?
Wait, he now thinks he revealed it before he ran off to rescue Cat. Interesting idea.

Had he said or done something as Clark that he normally only did as Superman?
Maybe he did something as Superman he normally does as Clark.

It really didn’t matter how he had revealed his secret to her.
Actually, it does, a lot. He needs to avoid doing such a think with anyone else.

He knew he could trust Lois, and now that she knew, they could move forward with their relationship with no hurdles blocking their path…
I wish that was so, but I really don't see that happening anytime soon.

well, with the exception of his lack of memories.
Which means he just does not remember what the hurdles will be. She still thinks he is lieing about being Clark.

He still felt bad about making her cry earlier,
I am glad he feels bad about that.

“How’s your ankle?” he asked, breaking the ice.
I half wish he had lead with "are you ok with knowing I am also Clark", but I guess then we would miss out on the fun of Lois knowing but trying to prevent Clark from knowing she knows.

Talking made sense after hitting her over the head with his secret identity.
He is totally right about this. I actually have to even agree that his choice of conversation starting made sense.

Lois was staring at him, not blinking until his question. “Huh?”
I guess with everything else that has happened, that does not seem important.

He suspected she was about to launch into a big discussion about their relationship, and wondered if he should remind her that not all of his memories had returned.
It wouldn't hurt.

Before he could form those words, she spoke, “The world wants to know, Superman, where have you been since Friday?”
I guess this makes it seem Lois does not know The Secret TM, although it is not the only possiblity.

“What?” Clark sputtered. Did Lois just address him as ‘Superman’? Oh, right the suit.
Good thing he trust Lois with his secrets.

She must be teasing him.
If it were only that simple.

He had been so totally focused on her that, for a minute, he’d forgotten what he had just accomplished.
Good, he should avoid getting too prideful.

The adrenaline rush from his achievement finally caught up with his super speed. “I did it!” he said with a big proud grin on his face. “I stopped the Nightfall asteroid and saved Earth.” He really was Superman.
So much for not sounding prideful.

Lois gazed at him in wonder, almost sadness. “Is that really the quote you want me to use?”
I guess since Lois does not realize Clark is still not back 100%, she is not being intentionally cruel, at least not mostly.

“No!” he exclaimed. It would have to be with Lois. Anyone else would reveal that Superman wasn’t acting like his normal self.
I wish he had said that outloud. Lois needs to hear his level of trusting her.

“Uh… I’ve been resting?” he answered hesitantly, not quite sure what she expected him to say
Actually, I really am baffled by what Lois is doing.

Lois nodded as if this was an acceptable answer and jotted this down in her notebook. “Are you saying that the initial impact with the larger Nightfall asteroid wore you out?”
That might be a good story to spread. It is better to have people under-estimate his abilities.

Clark didn’t want her to interview him. He wanted to talk with her. What was the phrase Inspector Henderson had used? Off the record. “Lois?” he said, reaching towards her, but she turned away and started pacing. He dropped his arm.
I wish he would verbalize his thought process more.

“Why did it take you three days to reappear?” she asked. “Did the smaller asteroid not bother you? Were you not worried? Did you want to get a second opinion, as you hadn’t done with the initial larger asteroid? Or was it simply that you hadn’t heard of the smaller Nightfall piece and the danger it posed?”
I guess it makes sense she is asking these questions, they need to be asked. However since she knows the real answers, and knows these can't be printed, I am not really sure what her goal is here.

Clark could tell Lois was angry. He wasn’t sure if she was mad at him specifically, or at herself, or possibly at the situation in general.
Something like all of the above. However she is mad at you Clark.

He wanted to comfort her, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it with her in this mood.
It will be a bit hard. To some extent she just needs time. It might work if she was willing to admit to knowing CK=SM, but her decision to try to avoid learning that will prevent SM giving her any confort.

For now, he decided he would play along with this charade and searched for something quotable he could say as Superman, which was also the truth.
I really wish he had just scapped the charade, even if I understand why he didn't.

John Pack Lambert