I have been following this topic with interest, but I feel it time to let my opinion be known.

I live in the country where gay marriage was first made legal. That was some six or seven years ago now. So according to you, Vicky, our society should have changed. Yet I fail to see that. Yes, society has changed somewhat, but not due to gay marriages. There are so many things influencing society and the institution of marriage, that changes are inevitable. Legalising gay marriage has actually improved our society. With everyone having the same rights in the way of marriage, there is no more need for demonstrations and the like.

I do need to point out that marriage here is only legal and approved of by the state if you marry for the state. A marriage solely made in a church is not legal. You can still marry in church, but for the government to recognise it, you also have to marry in front of them.

I bring this up because state and religion here are seperated. Why? Because there are enough people who do not believe and have any kind of religious binding. Why would they want to marry in a church? The same goes for all the immigrants we have had. With them, they brought their own religions. It would be really hard for the state to recognise all their marriages, so it is much easier to only make marriage for the state legal. Which is what happened here, and with great success, if I may say so.

So while I know you feel strongly about this, Vicky, and I respect your opinion, I just do not share it one bit. Living among it, I see everything from a different point of view, and it happens to be the complete opposite of your views.


I tawt I taw a puddy cat!