The problem with the position you've just articulated, Terry, is that you end up leaving gay people with no choice at all. Yes, if you and I, hypothetically speaking, found ourselves attracted to one another we could choose not to act on it - no doubt for very good reasons, as we're both already in a committed relationship with someone else. Society frowns on infidelity and polygamy. So we have other options. In the world-view you describe, the only choice available to a gay person is to remain celibate, to have no committed, loving relationship at all.

Again, it comes down to our own personal beliefs and value-system, and I know that I am not going to convince you and nor are you going to convince me... but I certainly won't condemn someone to a life alone simply because their natural attraction is to someone of their own gender and not the opposite. Because that's the 'choice' you're saying is open to them.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*