Sorry, Vicki, but it seems to me that if I read your theory correctly this is the same old argument that once upon a time was used to prevent interracial marriages.

Yes, there are differences between the sexes. But for myself I see no reason why the fact that these differences exist should prevent gays from marrying the person that they love, if they want to. They don't prevent women marrying men and if your theory holds true then they surely would do. If you propose that those differences in essence mean a barrier to marriage then you cannot pick and choose which genders they are a barrier to. It's either all or nothing, far as I can see.

You might as well say - as those old opponents did - that because a white woman is different to a black woman, interracial marriages are fundamentally wrong. huh

It would be intellectually dishonest to say, "Marry a woman, marry a man, it's the same thing."
Would it? For me it comes down very much to the same thing. Two people, who are in love, wish to marry and spend their lives together. It is the simplest of desires and the simplest of acts. It shouldn't be this complicated.

This is often a brutish, depressing world. When I see images on the news of gay couples embracing, kissing, smiling and laughing as they and their family and friends celebrate their union my response is exactly the same as it would be if it was a man and a woman being married. It makes me smile and lifts my heart to see two people so in love and so happy, embarking on a shared life together.

It will forever be a mystery to me why so many wish to stamp out such small moments of joy. They are so few and far between it seems to me we should cherish them wherever we find them rather than trying to discriminate against others simply because they don't fit into the neat stereotype of what forms a 'normal' marriage.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers