Yes, there are differences between the sexes. But [...t]hey don't prevent women marrying men and if your theory holds true then they surely would do.
Sorry, you lost me here.

I will try again to explain my point. Here is another example:

Opponents to child-marriages claim that an adult man can marry an adult woman, but he can not marry a 5-year-old girl. They say this because they recognize a fundamental difference between an adult woman (an acceptable spouse for the man) and a 5-year-old child (an unacceptable spouse for the man). The objection to the marriage is valid.

Opponents to interracial marriages claimed that a white man could marry a white woman, but he could not marry a black woman. However, both Wendy and I have established that there are no innate differences between the races. Therefore, there is no reason to assume the white woman to be a suitable spouse for the white man, but the black woman to be an unsuitable spouse. The objection to the marriage is baseless.

Finally, opponents to same-sex marriage say that a man may marry a woman but he may not marry a man. They say this because they recognize fundamental differences between a woman (a suitable spouse for a man) and a man (an unsuitable spouse for a man).

My point is not so much to prove that men should not be allowed to marry men. I don't think they should, but as of yet, I have not offered any reasons, proofs, or evidence. I have simply made the claim that a woman is fundamentally different from a man, thus opening the door for the possibility that, although a woman is a suitable spouse for a man, that does not necessarily mean that a man will be an equally suitable spouse for a man.

And, excuse me, but people want to stamp out gay couples's moments of joy? People are trying to discriminate based on their neat little stereotypes of what forms a 'normal' marriage? <takes deep breath> You are mistaken. Supporters of traditional marriage do not want to snuff out anyone's joy, love or happiness.

If the law defines a marriage as a union between a man and a woman, then that is the definition of a marriage. It is not a "neat little stereotype", it is simply the legal definition of the institution of marriage. We happen to believe that society has sound reasons for defining marriage in this way, and we want to maintain that definition.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster