Thus, our arguments are dismissed as "biased" before they have even been presented.
To be honest, I'm still waiting to see an argument against same-sex marriage that is not based on child-rearing (which we have already discussed in this thread) or religious values, or tradition. I sympathise with your point that some supporters of same-sex marriage (and I'll say 'some' rather than a more blanket reference) leap to the conclusion that opponents come from a position of intolerance rather than listening to the arguments. But what are the grounds for opposition?

Religious opinions are certainly offered as a reason. I would ask, in response to that, why society should govern based on the religious principles of one group within that society? There are religious groupings still opposed to divorce, for example. Most religions and denominations oppose abortion. Both of these are available, within certain restrictions, in just about all democratic societies.

Tradition... well, I don't think I really need to address that, do I? Society changes, what we deem to be acceptable as a nation changes. Racial equality, universal suffrage, the ending of child labour: once time or another all of these and more were opposed on arguments of tradition.

So, instead of asking us why we favour same-sex marriage (and you've expressed our position very nicely), can I ask why you oppose it?

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*