Several FoLCs have presented examples of gentle, loving same-sex couples who have been good people (as far as we can tell about any other person), and I'd like to take this opportunity to link to an incident which took place on November 9th in Lansing, Michigan. All the links describe the same incident.

Michigan-based politically right website

Church-related website

You tube report by independent writer (Jason Goldtrap from Florida)

Catholic Online News Service

I do not intend to imply that the majority of gays and lesbians would be involved in such an action. Nor do I intend to imply that such actions would be secretly applauded by most gays and lesbians. But it is significant that I learned of this outside the usual national news outlets. Even Fox News has not reported this.

If it were only one fringe right-wing blog reporting this story, I'd be inclined to dismiss it. But unless someone can dig up more information than I've been able to find, I'm inclined to believe that it happened as reported. And if it did - and the story was buried - it opens the question of whether or not there is a passive conspiracy to suppress such stories of attacks by radical gays on straights. If this attack actually took place as described, should it not be labeled a hate crime?

(Proposition 8 in California amended the state's constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Here is a Fox News\' story on the protests.)

The incidents in the Proposition 8 passage which have been reported bother me too. Those are on the local and national news reports, and it's interesting to listen to the determination of some gays and lesbians to overturn the majority vote of the people of those states. There have been related protests in other states where the Proposition 8 language was not on the ballot.

The voters of the US have spoken: we've elected a black man to be the President of the United States. There aren't nationwide protests to reverse that vote, but there are nationwide protests against the passage of Proposition 8 in California and similar measures in other states. Why should we listen to the voters on the one issue but ignore them on the other?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing