"Since it is a given that children *are* going to be born in this society, we need a societal structure which will provide a safe and stable environment in which to raise them."

Marriage is also a legal contract, which clearly defines the specifical legal responsibilities and obligations of both sides. It is a way of protecting the rights of the children (for example, parents are legally responsible for feeding, clothing, and caring for their children), as well as the rights of the parents.
Well that all sounds well and good to me. I'm all for protecting kids! But it sounds like we're back to the beginning because it asks the question, What about same-sex partners who adopt? Are they not allowed the same rights to keep their kids safe as other couples who adopt? And quite frankly, when I think about unions in terms of the kids, that makes me much more likely to want to find a solution that gives same-sex unions more legal rights, and I can still keep my sacrament of marriage in the church its own party.


ETA: I'm going to be out of pocket for the next month, so I'll probably just be checking for story updates. It's been a lovely discussion, all!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy